The purpose of a good movie is to transport you from where you are siting into its place and time. If this statement is true than The Northman is aContinue readingThe Northman Review
This movie starts off interestingly enough but the story drags on. Is it a murder mystery? Is it a romance movie? It tries to be both ultimately falls flat. WhenContinue readingPledge, The
This beautiful work of art is dripping with 80’s cheese. If you are a fan of the old Miami Vice or the Silence of the Lambs movies you will digContinue readingManhunter 1986
This movie has been on my radar for about a year or so. I had been meaning to watch it and finally rented it on Youtube. It was on myContinue readingOnce Were Warriors Review
I remember first seeing this movie when it came out in 1997. I was 20 years old. What struck me at the time, and did so again after re-watching itContinue readingThe Apostle Movie Review
I started off last night trying to watch a 2018 horror movie called “Hereditary” from 2018 which received high ratings online. It was a slog and so predictable that IContinue readingScarlet Street Movie Review – 1945
I am going to do this review a little differently. I am simply going to list my pros and cons in bullet point format then add a conclusion. PROS BeautifulContinue readingPrey Movie Review
Oh boy.. This is not going to go over well with people. Seeing how the movie is currently rating in the high 90’s on RT for both critics and theContinue readingTop Gun Maverick Review
I was pleasantly surprised by this one. The general public on RT had it at 90% and the critics had it 50%. That is actually the perfect recipe to watchContinue readingThe Gray Man Review
Started with so much promise. Ended really kind of corny. If this movie were made a little differently and trimmed some of the corny characters (look at the main picture)Continue readingNobody Movie Review