Having studied “waking dreams” , “Old Hag Syndrome” and other sleep-related night terrors myself, my interest was piqued to say the least. I don’t want to discuss too much ofContinue readingCome True
I definitely had that feeling of “what am I watching?” and “wtf did I just watch?”, but not in a bad way. This movie is loaded with story and characterContinue readingThe Killing of a Chinese Bookie
This 1989 picture seemingly had everything going for it. The director is Ridley Scott and the star is Michael Douglas. It should be an automatic slam dunk. I remember whenContinue readingBlack Rain
This 2000 movie features Gene Hackman doing his best Hackman and Morgan Freeman doing his best Morgan Freeman. Its a thrill just to see these two cinematic heavyweights go backContinue readingUnder Suspicion
I watched this movie last night and to be honest I probably would have never found it if I weren’t looking searching “spy movies” in particular. Spy movies are anContinue readingThe Courier – 2020
I remember when this movie came out. I was maybe 15 years old and I wasn’t in the mood for romantic nonsense. That’s what the movie was being sold asContinue readingBram Stoker’s Dracula – 1992
When you read the description of this movie about how the guy has to start every day over again, you may think to yourself that it has been done severalContinue readingBoss Level 2021 Short Movie Review
2067 – Made in the year 2020 – Australia Small disclaimer here – I am a bit of a sucker for sci-fi movies, especially ones set in the future. IContinue reading2067 Movie Review
This is an Austrian film which came out in 2008. It premiered at the Berlin Film Festival and was nominated for the American Academy Awards for best Foreign Language Film.Continue readingRevanche