What is the purpose of a movie? To tell a story. To transport you to another reality. To entertain you. If this statement is true then Everything Everywhere All atContinue readingEverything Everywhere All at Once
This tank battle themed movie could have been so much more than it was. It had the budget, the special effects and even the cast. But it mostly misses theContinue readingFury – 2014
The movie Seven (1995) starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt always been in the back of my mind as an excellent thriller. I’ve watched it several times since it firstContinue readingSeven – Not as Fresh as I Remember
I remember watching this when it first came out over 20 years ago. It was one of Matthew McConaughey’s first real starring roles. Just like the young officer he portraysContinue readingU-571 Movie Review
Cobra is one of those movies that we all know is pretty bad if you look at it from a critical standpoint. But it has just the right amount ofContinue readingCobra Movie Review
I like spy stuff. I don’t mean like 007. I like the real world feel spy stuff like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy or Three Days of the Condor. A lotContinue readingAll the Old Knives Movie Review
Some people may wonder why even write a review of a horror movie because they may think that they are all cheesy and bad but that is simply not theContinue readingMid-Century Movie Review
Gerard Butler isn’t exactly known for choosing boring roles so I will pretty much watch anything with him in it. He is an intense actor and has not disappointed meContinue readingDen of Thieves Movie Review
This one was recommended to me by my ol’ pal. He didn’t give anything away. He just told me to give it a watch. Judging by its cover (something theyContinue readingSignificant Other Movie Review