The Juror is a crime thriller released in 1996. On its face the movie appears to be just another one of the dozens of crime thrillers made in the sameContinue readingThe Juror Movie Review
I saw this movie when it first came out, almost a quarter century ago. I remember being entertained but not sure what I had just watched. I’ve had it onContinue readingMulholland Drive Movie Review
This is a movie I had heard about since I was in High School. Occasionally a friend would say something like “you gotta check that one out”. I never gotContinue readingBlood In Blood Out
This movie popped up in my streaming recommendations and I did a little research before watching it. It was generally well reviewed across the board so I gave it aContinue readingCross of Iron (1977) Movie Review
I cannot remember how this one came up on my radar but I do know that once I saw the name Ridley Scott attached to it, I was in. ItContinue readingThe Duellists Movie Review
I saw this movie the other day after it was on a recommended list found on the app called The Criterion Channel. Most of the movies I have watched onContinue readingThe Rapture (1991) Review
I like spy stuff. I don’t mean like 007. I like the real world feel spy stuff like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy or Three Days of the Condor. A lotContinue readingAll the Old Knives Movie Review
Some people may wonder why even write a review of a horror movie because they may think that they are all cheesy and bad but that is simply not theContinue readingMid-Century Movie Review
This movie has been on my radar for about a year or so. I had been meaning to watch it and finally rented it on Youtube. It was on myContinue readingOnce Were Warriors Review
This is an interesting film. It helps to know the history of this movie before watching it in order to really appreciate what you are seeing. Filmed in 1955, OnContinue readingOn the Bowery Review