So how do you make a movie about the Holocaust without ever showing any violence and still have it be effective in helping viewers understand how horrific it was? ThisContinue readingZone of Interest Movie Review
When I was first introduced to this movie I was a 14 or 15 year old punk. My two brothers and I were visiting my uncle in North Carolina. HeContinue readingApocalypse Now Movie Review
This movie popped up in my streaming recommendations and I did a little research before watching it. It was generally well reviewed across the board so I gave it aContinue readingCross of Iron (1977) Movie Review
Being a history buff regarding the Manhattan project and a fan of the movie “Fat Man & Little Boy” I was looking forward to this movie. One thing that putContinue readingOppenheimer Review
I remember as a kid in the 80’s that the other kids were obsessed with this movie. I think I saw it once back then and wasn’t overly impressed. IContinue readingHighlander Movie Review
I cannot remember how this one came up on my radar but I do know that once I saw the name Ridley Scott attached to it, I was in. ItContinue readingThe Duellists Movie Review
The French Connection The French Connection (1971) is a gritty New York crime movie which centers on some city narc cops in pursuit of the a big bust. They don’tContinue readingThe French Connection I & II Reviews
I saw this movie the other day after it was on a recommended list found on the app called The Criterion Channel. Most of the movies I have watched onContinue readingThe Rapture (1991) Review