This is a movie which was co-produced by Amazon and MGM. It is sold as a thriller. It starts off interestingly enough but you know where it’s going the entire time so I found myself laboring through the first 20 minutes or so. Let’s get to the good stuff already.
OK, there are some strange things happening on the private island. Cool. I have to tell you that this movie was coasting along with a solid 60-70 potato average until it hit the “woke message” spot. At some time beyond the mid-way point, one of the female characters goes into a diatribe about how “men have taught women to compete with one another”. That’s right, women have zero control over themselves and it’s men who created the competition.
OK, maybe this was just a one-off by a character who doesn’t think so highly of men. Nope. As it turns out, every single guy (except for one) on the island is a rapist. Even the guy who didn’t partake in the bad boy behavior got a little woke lecture by the billionaire rapist. Something along the lines of “you didn’t do anything. You didn’t stop it or stand up to it” etc.
At another point one woman asks another “why don’t we go to the FBI or the police?”. The response was something long the lines of “who are they going to believe, us women or these white male billionaires?”

I know the writers of modern movies, especially ones produced by streaming services with the sole intention of dumping them straight onto the platform, all sit around and talk to each other in their Ivy League, Hollywood Hills bubbles. But for the love of all that is sacred, please stop putting out these shitty divisive movies.
This movie started with an OK premise but the bit about the snake venom curing the memory loss caused by special perfume is something a 7th grader would come up with. Mix in the woke messaging pounding you over the head and this thing is certified crap. I give it 19 potatoes out of 100.