2067 Movie Review

2067 movie review

2067 – Made in the year 2020 – Australia

Small disclaimer here – I am a bit of a sucker for sci-fi movies, especially ones set in the future. I think that it takes a lot of creativity and effort to even attempt a future-based movie. With that said, there are some very bad future-based sci-fi movies out there as well. But if they do a halfway decent job, I am fully onboard.

2067 is a low-budget movie out of Australia. It “borrows” some devices from other stories (especially Stargate). Overall I was impressed with this movie. At times the acting was a little bit much and the main character couldn’t be more of a wimp. But the story they are trying to tell is cool and the effects are pretty well pulled off for being mostly stock quality.

Without giving too much away I will just say that the Earth of 2067 is an ecological disaster and a time machine is invented to save humanity. There are a few plot holes but you can just pretend they don’t exist and enjoy the movie.

Baldy Potatoes gives this movie 67%.

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